Pigeon John
Pigeon John is an underground MC with a genre-fusing style and positive lyrics.He is sometimes labeled a Christian rapper because of his hopeful messages andreferences to God, but with easily relatable subject matter and musical influencesdrawing from across the spectrum of rock and pop music, he aims to reach aswide an audience as possible. Active since the early 1990s, he made an impact onthe hip-hop world as a member of the L.A. Symphony collective, as well asacclaimed solo efforts like 2003's Pigeon John Is Dating Your Sister. Subsequentalbums like 2010's Dragon Slayer incorporated more live instrumentation and sungvocal hooks, and he received mainstream exposure as several of his songs werefeatured in advertisements, including the 2011 single "The Bomb" and 2019's"They Don't Make Em Like Me." He continued delivering uplifting vibes with 2020'sGotta Good Feelin', drawing influence from Motown, reggae, alternative rock, anddance music.