Lost or Damaged Passports

Lost or Damaged Passports
Have you lost, mangled or otherwise damaged your Passport? We can replace it if it has been registered with the Portal. Not registered? Register now.

To replace a lost or stolen Passport:
Just login to your Portal account, and click on the ‘Request Replacement Passport’ button.  We’ll ask you to verify your mailing address and send you a new one in the mail. Doing this ensures that no one else will be able to use your lost Passport.

If you didn't register your Passport, we're sorry but you'll need to purchase a new one and start over. The moral of the story is: register your Passport and keep it in all its shiny glory in a special place that is both handy and secret!

To replace a damaged Passport:
Have you sent your Passport through the wash? Dog got it? We can replace your Passport and any visible stamps. To replace it, please mail it to Edgefield or drop it off with the front desk. We will replace the stamps and mail it back to you.