It is important to know that chlorine is present in our soaking pools. All of our pools (Edgefield, Kennedy School, Old St. Francis School, Grand Lodge, Crystal Hotel) utilize salt cells that convert low levels of salt (sodium chloride) to chlorine. This means that a saltwater pool is not actually chlorine-free – it simply utilizes a chlorine generator instead of a direct addition of chlorine.
To meet health department requirements, we also add granulated chlorine to break down and release contaminants from the pool.
The benefits of our saltwater spa systems include:
Many people previously convinced that they had an allergic or other aversion to chlorine found no such problems after experiencing a salt-based system. A salt system allows us to more precisely control the sanitizer output, often requiring lower levels to achieve water purity. The mineral salts have many health benefits of their own.
Additional chemicals that we use to maintain proper chemical balance for bathers include: sodium bicarbonate, soda ash, calcium chloride, sodium bisulfate, muriatic acid, and monopersulfate (commonly referred to as MPS).
Salinity Levels: Lower Than You Think When we think of saltwater, the ocean comes to mind. Seawater has a strong salty taste, and it can cause metal corrosion. Fortunately, the levels of salt used in our systems are very low by comparison. The table below give you some perspective:
Salinity Comparison (parts per million) Ocean water: 35,000 ppm Human tears: 9,000 ppm Ability to taste salt: 5,000 ppm Saltwater spas: 3,000 ppm
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