Kennedy - The Rooms Have Names!

The English Wing is located in the courtyard of the original school. These 22 newer rooms have literature and author-inspired themes. Maybe you'll end up with Ramona Quimby in the Beverly Cleary Room, Shivas Irons in the Michael Murphy Room, a clan of Celts in the Frank Delaney Room....

Kennedy School - English Wing

Click the image to scroll through
descriptions of the rooms
135 | Tropic of Capricorn 
136 | Golf in the Kingdom
137 | The River Why
138 | Jayber Crow
139 | Ramona
140 | The Stand
141 | Ireland: A Novel
142 | Left Out in the Rain
143 | The Compleat Angler
144 | Mink River
145 | The Philosopher's Stone
201 | Winter's Tale
202 | A Thatched Roof
203 | One Hundred Years of Solitude
204 | The Night Circus                                    
205 | The Keep
206 | The Farthest Shore
207 | Little Chapel on the River
208 | The Secret Life of Bees 
209 | Paris was yesterday 
210 | The Riddle-Master of Hed
211 | Stage Coach & Tavern Days
The original Kennedy School rooms are classrooms-turned-guestrooms, complete with chalkboards and cloakrooms, and named for the very teachers, memorable students and other school staff who once filled these halls and rooms. Maybe you can stay the night in the Bill Eggers Room, named for the student who was in attendance from 1939-1947 and went on to become a notable PGA golfer; or perhaps you'll bed down in Cornelia Spencer Room, named for the school's no-nonsense principal from 1920-1937.
Kennedy School - School House

Click the image to scroll through
descriptions of the rooms
100 | Miss Kinney's Room
101 | Margaret Schneider Room
102 | Ron the Painter Room
103 | Cornelia Spencer Room
104 | Cherry Tree Room
105 | Mrs. Francis Room
106 | Stanley Kramien Room
107 | Margery Jordan Room
108 | Carol Frank Manfredi Room
109 | Norm Reiter Room
110 | Don Kohlmeier Room
111 | Marion Lumm Room
112 | Amo's Room
113 | Don Johnson Room
114 | Gus Dindia Room                                  
115 | Lois Morton Room
116 | The William Milne Room
117 | The Yo Yo man room
118 | Evelyn Anderson Room
119 | Gertrude Ramage Room
120 | Bill Eggers Room
121 | Dora Gebers Room
122 | Pete Ward Room
123 | The Music Room
124 | John Kennedy White room
125 | Steve Hutton Room
126 | Margaret Burbach Room
127 | Melissa Darby Room
128 | Mrs. Drew's Room
129 | Martha Rohner Room
130 | Joe Cotter Room
131 | Mrs. Palmer's Room
132 | Grace Connolly Room
133 | The Palmer Brothers Room
134 | Lois Erickson Room