Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Maya and the Wave

Kennedy School - Kennedy School Theater

6pm doors, 7pm intro and film
Q&A with the filmmaker to follow

$18 adults, $13 kids 12 and under

All ages welcome

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About Maya and the Wave

Maya and the Wave

Ten years in the making, MAYA and the WAVE tells the extraordinary story of Maya Gabeira, the first woman to surf the giant wave in Nazaré, Portugal. She nearly drowns and is ridiculed by the male big wave surfers who dominate the sport. Three spine surgeries and five years later, she surfs the biggest wave a woman has ever surfed. When her accomplishment is disregarded, Maya enlists the help of her fans to fight for recognition and becomes the first female surfer honored with a Guinness World Record in big wave surfing. 


Director & Producer: Stephanie Johnes

Executive Producers: Rashida Jones, Meena Harris, Alexandra Johnes, Julian Cautherley, Jena King, Ruth Ann Harnisch