Sunday, 04 May 2025

Wild Rumours - The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Experience

5pm doors, 6pm show

$18 advance, $23 day of show

All ages welcome

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About Wild Rumours

Wild Rumours

Wild Rumours - based in Seattle, WA - coalesced around the concept of performing entire albums, faithfully and in sequence. The core of a Wild Rumours show features all the classic material from both the 1975 Fleetwood Mac and 1978 Rumours albums, along with other hit songs from the FM catalog. Focusing on the apex Buckingham-Nicks era material, Wild Rumours creates an authentic concert experience for the audience with dramatic crescendos and moments of quiet intimacy. The band, comprised of an all-star cast of Northwest musicians, takes liberty with the material to add their personal stamp on some of the greatest pop music ever created.

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