About June Bee's Jamboree
Kelly Jones, Kara Garcia, Cynthia Major and Jen Carrizo are hosting a fundraiser for their longtime McMenamins friends and coworkers, Kyle & Lacey Oman.
This will be a concert benefitting the Oman Family, as their 8 year-old-daughter, June Bee, has been fighting stage 4 cancer since 2021. The fundraiser will take place February 1, 2025 in Blackberry Hall at McMenamins Edgefield.
Kyle, June's dad, has been the Crystal Ballroom Sales & Booking Coordinator, and Lacey, June's mom, has been the Corporate Director of Payroll. Both have stepped out of their work roles to be full-time caretakers of June. By doing so, their financial responsibilities have become extraordinarily burdensome and we would love to help their beautiful family out. You can also make a donation via the Oman's GoFundMe page.
-The band Risley (Music | RISLEY) will perform from 7-8.
-Bingo during intermission by Poison Waters, with up to 3 winners each receiving a $25 McMenamins Gift Card!
-DJ Gregarious (DJ Gregarious) scheduled to perform from 8:45-9:45.