Monday, July 15, 2019

White Eagle presents "Spirits of Stumptown"

Portland’s Paranormal Parks

White Eagle Saloon & Hotel - White Eagle Hotel

6 pm tour, 7 pm event

Tickets: $10.00 | VIP tickets: $20.00 talk/tour of hotel room

21 and over

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Qualifies for “Attend a McMenamins History-Sponsored Event” Experience Stamp.

Why not stay the night too? Mention you’re attending the History Pub for 15% off your hotel room.

About Portland’s Paranormal Parks

Portland’s Paranormal Parks

Join Rocky Smith as he explores Portland’s Parks from the past and present in search of the Paranormal. Follow a trail of mystery and tragedy as Rocky tells the tales from some of the creepiest local parks. Rocky will also share stories from the bygone days of Portland’s thriving Amusement Parks, their demise and what ghost stories still linger today.

Talk starts at 7 pm and tickets are $10. VIP Tickets are available for $20 and include a tour of the White Eagle Saloon and reserved seats for the talk. VIP Tour begins at 6 pm. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour. 

About White Eagle presents "Spirits of Stumptown"

White Eagle presents "Spirits of Stumptown"

Join Historian and Paranormal Investigator Rocky Smith for an evening of history, folklore and a peek at Portland’s paranormal past every third Monday at the White Eagle. Rocky will share some unbelievable ghost stories, accumulated from his years of experience with the paranormal and knowledge of Oregon history. Rocky’s passion for historical research and gift of storytelling have drawn large crowds at his appearances at McMenamins Paranormal Pub. You will not want to miss this amazing new series!